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What units is density measured in?

The SI unit for density is ##"kg""/""m"^3## or kilograms per meters cubed. Density, however, can be measured in a wide variety of units, like ##"g/cm"^3## or ##"g/ml"##.

is measured as ##"mass"/"volume"##

The SI unit for density is ##"kg""/""m"^3## or kilograms per meters cubed. Density, however, can be measured in a wide variety of units, like ##"g/cm"^3## or ##"g/ml"##.

Density = Mass/Volume. The units for density are grams per cubic centimeter ( ##"g/cm"^3##** ) or grams per milliliter ( ##"g/ml"## ), since a cubic centimeter is equivalent to a milliliter.

For example, water has a density of ##"1 g/ml"## or ##"1 g/cm"^3##. What this means is that for every ##1## gram of what you have, it takes up ##1## milliliter of space (or ##1## cubic centimeter).

If you were to put ##1## milliliter of water in a test tube and find its mass, it would be exactly ##1## gram.

If something has a density of ##"9 g/ml"##, that means that for every ##9## grams of the substance, it takes up ##1## milliliter of space.

The units are what they are due to the equation. Mass = grams = ##"g"##. Volume = milliliters = ##"ml"## or cubic centimeters = ##"cm"^3##. When you divide grams by milliliters (or ##"cm"^3##), you get ##"g/ml"## (or ##"g/cm"^3##).

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