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When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? In this SLP assignment you will apply a systematic approach to problem solving. SLP 1 is divided into two (2) parts. In Part I, of the assignme

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it?  In this SLP assignment you will apply a systematic approach to problem solving.  SLP 1 is divided into two (2) parts. In Part I, of the assignment, you will read three (3) articles that present variations on step-by-step problem solving strategies and then select one (1) of these strategies; you will engage in pre-writing to develop a solution to a problem scenario. In Part II of the assignment, you will present a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem. As Voltaire said, “No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.”

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********** ** ******** the Steps in *** ******* ******* ******************* *********************************** NameDateScenario ** Applying the ***** ** *** ******* ******* *************** ******** Analysis The scenario ******** * ***** with difficulty ** ********** *** assignment ************ *** ****** is ** * ******* of whether to ***** the ***** to ***** ************* ** ** ******* *** ** *** school ******** *** ******* **** ** ***** ** defining ** ********* the problem formulating ******** ************ ********* the ********* ********* *** best ******** *** finally **** *** next ************* **** Step in *** ******** ********** the problem ********** *** probable ** **** is *** ** ******* the ***** ** ** *********** *** *** ** her *** ******** The problem also involves **** of improving the ********* learning ********** *** ******* ******** in **** scenario the ***** ** ********** with *** ** *** assignment *** ****** some important ***** ** ********** his ** *** ******* **** makes *** ******* ** *** ************ *** because *** ***** *** *** ***** *** *********** ********* and ******* ** improve *** ******************* ******* *********** ***** *** *** **** possible ********* ** this ******* *** ***** *** ** ** ******* the ******* to *** ***** ** buying *** necessary ******* tools for his ** *** ********** and ******* *** **** ** ** *** ** ***** the project ***** Problem ******* Process" 2016) *** ***** *********** is ** give the ***** * chance ** ***** on *** *** ** identifying *** mistakes and ****** corrections ** ** ** she ****** ***** ************* ******* his ********** ************* the ******** ** the ********* the ***** solution *** the ********* of ****** *** ***** *** ******* *** ******* ** ********** *** ******** ***** ***** ******* ******* ******** ***** *** ********* for ***** *** ********** *** available *** ** ******** ** **** he ** *** is ********* *** ******** ******* ** which ** or *** *** ** corrected whenever ** ** *** **** ***** *** ************ is that *** ***** ****** learn **** he ** alone *** may ** ************* ** the ******** support ** simple ***** *** ********* ********** is low Considering the ****** solution *** ***** ** **** ** learn ***** The advantage of **** *********** ** **** *** ***** ** more *********** of the ****** and *** ******* solutions **** **** the ********** support is ****** In other ***** his ******** ******** ****** ************* ******* ** *** ***** hand *** disadvantage ** **** solution is **** *** ***** *** not access *** ******** and updated ******** that *** augment *** ******** ******** *** ** ******** ******* *** ******* ** the ****** *** ***** ********** ********* *** ******** which *** child *** lack in this ******************** ***** *** ********* ** *** **** ******** ** **** ** **** ********* to ****** the second ******** **** ******** ******* *** ***** ** develop *** ******** ** *** ** *** *** ("The ******* ******* Process" 2016) ** *** ***** ****** ** * ***** ** ** important ** promote ********** ** ******** ** a ****** the ****** ******** ****** ** selected as ** will ******* *** creative *** ******** ******** ** *** ***** **** ********** ** *** learning ***** ************ some ***** materials to be used in *** ********** such ** books *** ******* ***** ****** be *************** ***** *** planning ** *** next ****** ** ****** ** ********* ** ******* *** ******* ***** ** time and allow the ***** ** do the assignment ***** ******* ******* Process" ***** Constant *********** ** *** ********* learning ************ and ******** ****** be ********* ** ***** whether *** ******** ** ****** ** ** **** *** *************** ******* *** to ******* If ***** is **** problem **** *** ********* ******** ******* ** is ********* to ********** ***** ********* *********** on other ************* *************** strategy could be used ** ***** *** other scenarios **** ** ******* *** ***** covered ** **** ******** are *** ******* steps ******** to ***** physically *** ******* ********************* *** ******* ******* ******* ****** ******* ********* * ***** **** **** ********************************************

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