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Which was an effect in the US of Sputnik 1? Question 1 options: a. decrease in funding for math and science education b. creation of a national space program (NASA) c. all of these d. a partnership wi

Which was an effect in the US of Sputnik 1? Question 1 options: a. decrease in funding for math and science education b. creation of a national space program (NASA) c. all of these d. a partnership with Brazil to manufacture spacecraft for the US

Question 2 (1 point) Question 2 Saved Which statement best shows how the US response to the Korean War followed the policy of containment? Question 2 options: a. all of these b. formed an alliance with China and the USSR to support South Korea c.supported democratic South Korea against communist backed North Korea d. supplied weapons but not troops to North Korea as they attempted to overthrow the communist South Question 3 (1 point) Question 3 Unsaved Eisenhower’s National Interstate and Defense Highways Act Question 3 options: government sponsored creation of infrastructure allowed the US military to move troops and supplies more efficiently connected population centers across the US more easily all of these Question 4 (1 point) Question 4 Unsaved The dramatic increase for funding in math and science education in the US came about primarily because of Question 4 options: the domino theory the US being the first nation to reach the moon the outcome of the Korean War the Soviet launch of Sputnik 1 Question 5 (1 point) Question 5 Unsaved Which statement best describes Sputnik 1? Question 5 options: last of the manned Soviet rockets first man-made earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union first US spacecraft put in to orbit first spacecraft to carry a human (Yuri Gagarin) Question 6 (1 point) Question 6 Saved Which statement displays an impact of the G.I. Bill of Rights? Question 6 options: creation of first suburban housing developments it allowed women to serve in the military it integrated the military it discouraged soldiers from joining the military Question 7 (1 point) Question 7 Unsaved A politician accused of “McCarthyism” would most likely Question 7 options: encourage African Americans to run for political office in the deep south make sweeping claims against people with no evidence to back charges support a communist agenda for the US lead a targeted investigation that was supported by extensive facts and evidence Question 8 (1 point) Question 8 Unsaved How did the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision overrule the Plessy v. Ferguson case? Question 8 options: separate but equal facilities almost always gave African Americans the better facilities and this was unfair to Whites separate but equal facilities were often located too close together and created zoning problems separate but equal could be self-determined (voted on) by each state separate educational facilities are inherently unequal Question 9 (1 point) Question 9 Unsaved The Marshall Plan’s purpose was to Question 9 options: contain communism by occupying all Western Europe and challenge the USSR directly if they made any attempts to influence the rebuilding of Europe create an economic connection with Sub-Saharan Africa in an attempt to destabilize the worldwide oil market contain communism by supporting weak western European countries economically to create an environment for thriving democracies and free markets encourage all rebuilding countries to self-determine (vote) for whether they wanted to rebuild as a communist nation or a democratic nation Question 10 (1 point) Question 10 Saved Which statement displays the best description of the Cold War? Question 10 options: democratic US and communist Soviet Union competed to support and defend their political ideologies globally between 1945-1991 a three year war waged in the North Sea and Arctic Circle from 1956-1959 between the USSR and United States to determine who had legal claim to the North Pole all of these a series of direct conflicts between the USSR and US during the 1970s Question 11 (1 point) Question 11 Unsaved How did some Southern states respond to the Brown v. Board decision? Question 11 options: southern states attempted to nullify the Supreme Court’s decision which led to the nullification crisis school systems refused to honor the ruling and continued to operate separate but equal schools until 1977 school systems were shut down instead of integrating schools some states threatened to take the case to the United Nation’s international court of appeals Question 12 (1 point) Question 12 Unsaved How was did the US policy of containment work in China during the Chinese Civil War after WW2? Question 12 options: it was effective at preventing communism in China, but it also ended communism in North Korea it was effective at limiting the rise of communism as China became a democratic nation it was ineffective as communist forces led by Mao Zedong won and introduced a communist government it was ineffective in China and led to a regional conflict throughout the entire continent of Asia

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