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Windshield Survey Assignment The purpose of the windshield study is for nurses to look at a neighborhood and understand the community that they are researching and records their observations. Nurses
Windshield Survey Assignment
The purpose of the windshield study is for nurses to look at a neighborhood and understand the community that they are researching and records their observations.
Nurses need to be able to knowledgeably plan services for a community. It is essential to know a specific community, identify health-related resources that may be helpful to members, and learn about gaps in services. A windshield survey is traditionally conducted from a car and provides a visual overview of a community. Conditions and trends in the community that could affect the health of the population are noted. It is possible to complete the windshield study by bus and on foot. You can also research about the neighborhoods.
You will need to do a windshield study for two distinct neighborhoods. The distinctions could encompass whatever categories you choose. Examples: Geological area, urban/nonurban, socioeconomic status, etc.
Please use the survey tool to complete your neighborhood assessments.
Then you will need to write a comparison of the two neighborhoods, comparing their potential healthcare needs based on what you have seen. This first project is designed to help you with your final project so please be thoughtful in how you go about it.
The 2 neighborhood I picked are:
1) Seattle Downtown 3rd ave and pine st (Seattle Washington)
2) Magnolia Boulevard Seattle Washington)
I have attached the Rubric. I need I well written paper comparing the 2 neighborhoods.
Windshield Survey Grading Rubric
Neighborhood One Windshield 4 points
There is an in-depth analysis of the neighborhood. Includes good research on neighborhood statistics.
Neighborhood Two Windshield 4 points
There is an in-depth analysis of the neighborhood. Includes good research on neighborhood statistics.
Comparison write-up Grammar and Spelling References and APA format 4 points
There are 2 or fewer spelling or grammar mistakes. Write up is correctly done in APA. All references are correctly laid out in APA format. References are correctly sited.
Comparison write-up Content 4 points
The information in the write-up accurately reflects the neighborhoods studied. A thoughtful comparison of the two neighborhoods is written out.
Comparison Content Ease of reading 4 points
The write up has ease of reading. Flow is easy to follow and not repetative.
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********** ********************* NameInstitutional AffiliationCourse **************** ******** ** *************************** ********** ****** ** * ******* **** ******** **** collection *********** *** ********** **** a ****** vehicle ** a healthcare ************ to identify *** ********* *** the flaws **** are associated **** a ********** society **** **** **** collection ****** ** **** ** is ******** to ******** ******* ************ ******** including ********** ********** businesses ******* ********** *** ***** ********* ********* in ******** out *** ******** (Kusimo O C ********** ****** ** ********* to a ********** ********** ***** she *** identify *** ********* **** are ***** ** * ********** ************ ******** *** ********* *** ******* ** **** ******* a ***** ********** **** **** ** survey is ********* in *********** *** healthcare professional's **** ** healthcare ** ** **** ********* in ******* *** ************ ********* ***** *** *********** **** *********** *** possible ******** **** ********* ** * ********** *********** In this ********** ****** I ** going ** ***** ** **** Seattle ******** *** *** *** **** ** *** **** ** and ******** Boulevard ************** ************** * *** ******* along Seattle Downtown *** *** and pine ** located ** ********** * could ******** * *** ** residential apartments such ** **** ********** ****** on ***** ********** ** ********** ******* ** ********** and *** ****** **** ********** ***** ********** were ********* ** ******* ** *********** **** ****** in * ****** ******** Several ****** **** used ** conduct businesses **** *** ******* including *** ******** **** *** print ******* ****** *** ****** ***** ****** **** used *** ******* ******** ***** others **** used in ******** *** *** nearby *********** * drove ****** Magnolia Boulevard in Seattle * could ******** ******** ********* ****** and some limited ****** ****** in **** ******** *** ****** built ** **** ******** were *** enough ** *********** **** people compared ** the houses ***** ** ******* ******** *** ave and **** ** *** **** Street This ****** *** *** have **** houses indicating **** *** **** ****** lived ** ***** streets ******* *********************** on *** residents *** ***** in ******* ******** *** *** *** **** st *** Magnolia ********* ******* the Seattle downtown had **** residents ***** ** *** ****** **** I ******* out * *** *********** **** Seattle ******** *** *** *** **** ** had more **** *** thousand residents *** lived in *** area **** *** ** ********* ** *** high ****** of ********** established ** the ********** ********** * ********** survey ** Magnolia ********* ******* *** *********** ***** **** ******** ********* *** ** *** **** to see ********* When **** were from **** ********* ***** be **** suggesting ************* **** *** ******** **** **** ***** ******** people lived ** **** location ***** on *** *************** ************** ** *********** ********** ******* ** Seattle ******** *** *** *** **** ** ***** are multiple ******* including ******* ****** ******* ******* ******** ******* *** ***** education program ******** ** *** ******* ******* *** ****** ****** ******** ************ **** ** ********** place ****** ******** *** ***** ***** ****** ******** ***** ****** ******* schools ** **** ******** ******** ****** ****** ** ********* ** **** locationFocusing ** ******** ********* Seattle ***** *** no schools in the ******** ***** from Magnolia ********** ****** *** lady of ****** parish ****** and *** ************ ********* **** ** the ******* ******* in **** ******** *** *** *** based on *********** analysis *** they ***** ** ******** ** ********** levels Comparing educational ****** ** ******* ******** *** ave *** pine ** and ******** Boulevard ******* educational ****** at ******* Downtown *** *** *** **** ** *** ************ ************ * ***** ****** *** ******* ******** *** *** *** **** ** * *** **** ** identify ******** ********** ********** ***** include ******** ****** Health ****** ** ******** ***** ****** ****** ******* hospital Community health **** ** Washington Kaiser ********** Downtown ******* medical ****** and *** ********** ******* ****** The ******** of ***** ********** ********** *********** **** healthcare *** * *** ******** ** the citizens *** ****** in **** ******** ****** ******* *** ***** hand ***** * was driving ****** ******** ********* ******* I ******* ******** healthcare facilities: ******* Retirement ******* ******* ********** **** **** Swedish ******** ************ ***** and ******* ******** ******* **** ** these ********* could *** ** ********* on ****** illnesses ** ** ******* ********** facilities located ** Magnolia ********* ******* **** to ** **************** ********** * was ******* along Seattle ******** *** *** *** **** ** most ** *** ********** *** ******* **** **** *** I could also *** ****** moving along with files **** ****** to ** loaded **** ******* ********* **** people ****** ** ** **** doing ******* ********** ********** **** ********** ** *** ****** During *** lunch **** I moved *** ** ** car ** ***** * hotel ***** I *** surprised ** *** how impressive and ****** ** *** ****** it was expensive **** ********* * **** economic ****** ** the ******** * drove across ******** Boulevard ** ******* * ***** *** * limited number ** ****** doing ********** ********** **** ********** **** ********** *** *** work in ******* ** **** houses **** *********** Several garages ** *** area **** ** *** ******** Room *** *** ****** Garage *** ******** Boulevard ******* ** a ******* ******* ** a street **** ****** economic ************** *** *** crime rateWhile * *** ******* ****** ******* ******** 3rd *** *** **** st * *** ******* regional ********** ***** ******* the ****** ** Scientology ******* ****** center *** ******* ********** City ****** Baptist Church Christ *** **** Catholic ****** Sacred ********** ****** *** other religion ********** which *** * **** of ************ By ******** ** *** high ****** ** schools and religious ********** there ** * *********** that **** ** *** ********* are civilized *** ***** ** * ******* crime **** ** *** ********* driving across ******** Boulevard ******* ****** * *** **** ** **** ******* ******** including ******** ****** ********* ****** Sacred ********** Center ******** ******** Church and Sophia Wisdom Center Seattle *** ****** ** ******** in *** **** ********* that ******** ** ********* *** decreased ***** rates (Hofmann ** ** ************* ************** *** ************ * was ******* ****** the ******* ******** 3rd *** *** pine st * ******* *** ************** ** *** *** reads were **** tarmacked there **** ******** ********** on the **** *** ****** *** to *** and there **** ***** *** over which ****** ** ** **** **** was ahead *** *** maximum ***** I would use while ******* ***** *** ******* **** *** essential *** me to prevent ******** ***** ***** **** ** ********* *** ********** ** *** ******* **** **** ****** *** * ****** ***** easily know ***** ******* a ********** ************** ** *** ************** ** ******** Boulevard ******* roads were *** ********** constructed ** ***** were no indicators **** would ******** *** ******* the ****** they **** to *** **** ******* ***** roads ******** * would ****** ******** ******* off-roads in ** ***** **** ***** ******* ****** *** road *** **** there *** a **** ** ******* *** ************** sector ****** there **** several ******** on *** road it ***** be hard *** * ****** to **** ***** exiting *** ******* ** ***** were ** ********** of ********** ******* streets ReferenceKusimo O * ****** ********** ******** ** * location ***** Windshield ***************** *********** * * (2018) ********** ********** demographics *** satisfaction **** ****** ******* ******* ** Benin ****************** Journal ** ***** and *********** Vol5(1)Kiper * ***** Geist * ****** ****** ** *** ********** ********* ********* healthNursing **** ********** ********* ************ C ***** ********* * ****** ******** ***** and ********* ***********