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Write 1 page essay on the topic Class Dialogue.Moreover, the book provides insights on how there have been faithful communities who have passionately followed the way of Christ despite the numerous ch

Write 1 page essay on the topic Class Dialogue.

Moreover, the book provides insights on how there have been faithful communities who have passionately followed the way of Christ despite the numerous challenges they face.

b.) Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium Chapter II # 50-60. Chapter IV # 186. # 198 Accessed Online from http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html

The source provides diverse issues and themes that relate to how human beings relate to one another and to the environment. Chapters II (50-60) elaborates on the challenges that humanity is facing in the modern world that range from idolatry of money, having financial systems that rules rather than serving, inequality that leads to violence to cultural challenges. Chapter IV (186-198)emphasizes on the inclusion of the poor in the society, communities and individuals as instruments of God to liberate and promote the poor, man’s union with God, the fidelity to the gospel and the special place of the poor in God’s people. In addition, the chapter discuses solidarity as a spontaneous reaction by people who recognize that the societal function of property and the general destination of goods are certainties that come before private material goods. It is a relevant source to the topic at hand because it provides information about the current issues (both social and religious) that are taking place in the modern world.

Bishop Kenneth urges people not to forget the poor and the needy and that we should always give them a priority in whatever we are doing. He urges people not to ignore them because of their status and also to help them indiscreetly. Moreover, Bishop Kenneth challenges people that everyone is capable of helping the needy (poor) irrespective of how little they have since what matters most is giving with a willing heart.

This quote argues that the modern world has changed to be full of inequalities whereby it is only the strongest who can survive

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