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Write 1 page essay on the topic DOMINION.Biblical texts have shown emphasis and influence on the comprehension of human beings and how we think of ourselves in reference to God our creator and the env

Write 1 page essay on the topic DOMINION.

Biblical texts have shown emphasis and influence on the comprehension of human beings and how we think of ourselves in reference to God our creator and the environment around us. The verse evaluates human dignity as well as privileges given to him by the Creator, human sexuality, women and men relationship, and man’s role in relation to the creation. It is here where the bible illustrate the dominion of man in reference to the world (Genesis 1: 28).

This dominion is phrased such that human beings have the role to exploit the environment but to do it responsibly meaning. to use the available resources to help him but not misusing them (Culture and Bible 1995). The role also extends to naming the animals, monitoring their activities, and developing the nature of the world. this is because it defines the hierarchy of authority and power. In short, human beings play the role of the head of the house as far as the whole creation is concerned (Anderson, Bernhard 1975).

Man has responsibility to govern and supervise the overall creation. This is because they have added features such as they are capable of differentiating between the wrong and right which gives man a basis of decision making. The added feature resulted from God’s images and likeness unlike the rest, and this brings about the aspect of

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