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Write 1 page with APA style on Congress and Global Warming Policy. Congress and Global Warming PolicyIt is difficultformembers of the Democratic Party to agree on a commonground in mattersregarding g
Write 1 page with APA style on Congress and Global Warming Policy. Congress and Global Warming Policy
It is difficultformembers of the Democratic Party to agree on a commonground in mattersregarding global warming because of theinterests that thesemembersrepresent in thelegislativehouses. Thedisagreements on themostappropriatepoliciesneeded to addressthemenace of global warming are based on reaching a commongroundregardingthe level of regulationrequired. They also touch on theeconomicimpact that theseregulations would have on thepeopletheyrepresent in their respectiveregions. Every member of the house of the Congress and the Senate fights for re-election. Representing the best interests of the people thatsend them to office is a sure way of avoiding political realignment (Ginsberg et al. 349).
Someareas within the US haveinvestedheavily in industries that producecarbonemissions. Thesepeopleearn their living from working in theseindustries. On theotherhand, there are regions that depend on theconservation of theenvironment to make their living – areas that are dependent on tourism. These two geographicalareasare engaged in economicactivities from which theyearn their living.
Thepeopleliving in theseregions are represented by electedandnominatedlegislatorssent to the two houses to promote their welfare. Some of these members are funded by - individuals, companies, for profits and non-profits - organizations to the legislative houses. Therefore, these groups sometimes influence nomination of these representatives and senators and may influence a candidate to be defeated (Ginsberg et al. 357).
Theregionsdependent on tourism andconservation of theenvironment would wantthe gasses emissions to be reduced to protecttheenvironment. However, individualsengaged in production that pollutestheenvironment would wish to continue their economicactivity, oblivious of thefactthatthey are damagingtheenvironment. Therefore, it is verydifficult to find a commonground on addressing global warming because whatever measuresweretaken to control global warming would affectthelivelihoods of the American citizens.
Congress should find a consensus on issuesabouttheconservation of theenvironment. Beingthehouse that formulatespolicies, it should come up with a common playing field that would restrictcarbonemissions that cause global warming while at thesametimeprovidingincentivesforadoptinggreensolutions (Lokey, 401). It should formulatepolicies that will compelthegovernment to investheavily in environmentally friendlyoptions that would reducethe global warming effect.
Works Cited
Ginsberg, Benjamin, Theodore J. Lowi, Margaret Weir, Caroline J. Tolbert, and Robert J. Spitzer. We the People: An Introduction to American Politics. , 2014. Print.
Lokey, Elizabeth. 'How The Next US President Should Slow Global Warming'. Energy Policy 35.11 (2007): 5399-5402. Web.