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Write 11 pages thesis on the topic strategic planning for international travel.

Write 11 pages thesis on the topic strategic planning for international travel. of its success in luring visitors mostly to its sun-sea-sand tourism strategy and in 2006 alone, its tourism accounted for 12% of its GDP and brought employment to thousands of its citizens. Today, Spain is next to France in terms of the number of tourists and is next to the USA in terms of the value of tourism sales (Travel and tourism in Spain). Another nation which economy got a badly needed shot in the arm and made a spurious revival of its economy, thanks to its beach and sex tour strategy is Thailand. New Zealand, at the moment, is poised to aggressively attract visitors to its pristine mountains, geysers, lakes, and its clean environment. Prime Minister Helen Clarke believes that tourism will give New Zealand unprecedented prosperity. For its travel strategy, it intends to use “the national traits of guardianship and hospitality”. Clarke dictates that there must be a vision and must have a foundation or underpinning to which everything else is attached (New Zealand tourism strategy 2015, p.1).

The UK, still exulting after bagging the privilege of hosting the 2012 Olympic Games and the paralympic games, has realized the importance of fortifying its tourism industry even beyond 2012 and the fact that for it to be successful in this endeavor, it must have a solid

travel and tourism strategy, both international and domestic. It has refurbished its VisitBritain tourism agency “to promote Britain internationally in 36 markets so as to generate wealth and jobs across Britain” (VisitBritain, the national tourism agency). To do this, it must foster partnerships with private entities and provide them with all the support including advice and needed information. UK has also encouraged the GTBS or Green Tourism Business Scheme, which has “over 1400 members” in its efforts to lure tourists to savor “a green holiday” consisting of pristine scenery, pure unadulterated air and water with biodiversity to boot. This, here, is a fine example of a public-private partnership to push through tourism success.&nbsp.

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