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Write 12 pages with APA style on The Causes of Crime by Street Gangs in the United States.

Write 12 pages with APA style on The Causes of Crime by Street Gangs in the United States. The underlying assumptions of the set of causative principles adopted in this analysis would be categorized according to their respective orientations and relevance. For instance, the assumption that criminal behavior among street gangs in the US requires both an autochthonous and heterochthonous approach in evaluating the learning outcomes is based on the fact that individual cognitive behavioral tendencies of street gangsters are not amenable to a particular interpretative method.

The nature and the extent of primary and immediate impact on the society at large of the increasing number of gangsters on a national scale, increasing involvement in drug trafficking, greater prevalence rate of weapons and street violence and crime by US street gangs (Sanders, 2005).

The negatively skewed correlation between the typology of street gangster crime and criminal behavior and its consequences on the socio-economic relations at large in the US neighborhoods has a much bigger dimension to it than hitherto being presented.

To examine the existence of a probable antithesis between street gangster criminal intent and the subsequent disorderly conduct, thus proving/disproving the increasing incidence of street gangster crime in the US and equally increasing use of drugs and weapons among gang members as a corollary of a broader national phenomenon. Its impact on the individual, family, and society would receive a wider analysis.

Finally to ascertain the a priori and a posteriori relevance and significance of the impact of public opinion on the street gang formation, thus widely focusing on the consequential impact of street gang crime on the society at large.

The literature review of this paper would focus on both the theoretical and conceptual aspects of psychological and social causes based on the street gangster behavior in the US.&nbsp.

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