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Write 14 pages with APA style on Analysis of the Merchant Of Venice by Shakespeare.

Write 14 pages with APA style on Analysis of the Merchant Of Venice by Shakespeare. The element οf a princess who is imprisoned in a tower is added when Portia is not able to choose her own suitor due to her deceased father's wishes, as the suitor must choose from one οf three caskets, and if he chooses the correct one he will be able to marry Portia. However, Portias ideal suitor, Bassanio, choosing the correct casket, completes this element and they are able to fall in love and live happily ever after. Although The Merchant οf Venice displays a few characteristics from fairytales, there are very obvious elements missing such as magic and a moral to all that has happened. There is normally an obvious villain as well. although Shylock is the villain in this play, there are parts where we do feel sorry for him. (Buckley 20-22)

The main characteristic that The Merchant οf Venice contains is that οf the number three being used throughout the duration οf the play. This characteristic occurs several times and plays a significant part in the storyline. A very popular fairytale that contains this element οf the three is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Throughout this story, the number three is used many times. the three bears, the three bowls οf porridge, and the three beds. There are a lot of οf examples οf "three" in the Merchant οf Venice, similar to that οf the aforementioned fairytale. There are three caskets containing either gold, silver, or lead, which are a highly important part οf the story. As the caskets are an important part οf the play, this emphasizes the importance οf this fairytale element. Money is also οf great importance and is shown using the element οf three as well. This part οf the play involves three οf the main characters (Shylock, Antonio, and Bassanio). The bond made between Shylock and Antonio is worth three thousand ducats and Antonio has three months to pay it back. When Antonio is not able to pay back the debt on time, he offers Shylock three&nbsp.times the original bond.

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