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Write 17 page essay on the topic Managing Information.Download file to see previous pages... Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (2003)i argue that the mission statement of the organization is the element

Write 17 page essay on the topic Managing Information.

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Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes (2003)i argue that the mission statement of the organization is the element that reflects upon the core strategies of the organization itself. This makes it clear that the mission statement is the critical element for the successful evaluation of the existing strategies in an organization. In the light of the aforementioned arguments, the mission statement for the organization under scrutiny is presented below

From the mission statement it is clear that the Office of the Attorney General and the Chief State Solicitors office are predominantly involved in accomplishing effectiveness in legal services provided to the customers through gaining efficiency in performance. The mission statement also reveals that the quality of service is the critical element for the organization in both the external and internal customers scenario as mentioned in the strategy statement of the Office of the Attorney General.

From the review of the strategy statement of the Office of the Attorney general it is clear that the organization is not only striving to accomplish effective customer service through improving quality but also increasingly focusing upon the development of the human resource as well as the overall organization status in the public.

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