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Write 2 page essay on the topic 50 Shades of Grey novel and how it contrasts to One Direction.The 50 Shades of Grey novel opens up with Anastasia Steel the protagonist, coming to step in for Katherine

Write 2 page essay on the topic 50 Shades of Grey novel and how it contrasts to One Direction.

The 50 Shades of Grey novel opens up with Anastasia Steel the protagonist, coming to step in for Katherine Kavanaugh, she supposed BFF in order to make an interview worth one of the powerful and wealthiest multi-billionaire by the name Christian Grey, whose story is needed for the school magazine project. Kate and Ana are great friends and are soon to graduate from their college in the coming few weeks. On the other hand, Grey Christian is expected to be delivering a commencement address for a function that will also be captured for the school magazine. On the day appointed for the scheduled interview, Anastasia turns up for the occasion to make the interview, presenting herself as a picture a young lady that is quite unsure of the environment and herself. She is a woman that openly declares how uncomfortable she is in her very own skin, which is painted all over her countenance. Ana is naïve and very clumsy, while literally facing the plants that are nicely spread in Grey’s office. As they sit to start a conversation, Grey looks very much amused such that he gives Anastasia a kind of stare that causes her to “flush crimson.” In the course of the novel, the same happens more than 200 times as one reads further. It is evident that Christian Grey has been intrigued by Miss Anastasia Steele and that he cannot manage to fathom the experience. Later Ana leaves Grey’s office quite awkwardly, with her mind being overly consumed with this man from the little time they have interacted.

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