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Write 2 page essay on the topic An exploration of the relationship between learning organisations and the retention of knowledge workers.Download file to see previous pages... The new economy has been

Write 2 page essay on the topic An exploration of the relationship between learning organisations and the retention of knowledge workers.

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The new economy has been defined as one which is technology based. In the new economy, knowledge workers are the most important employees for any organization because they facilitate the creation of knowledge which is critical for maintaining the competitive advantage. Therefore the findings from the paper would enable managers in the new economy to manage turnover intent so that an organization can create a long-term strategic advantage by creating human capital. The importance of knowledge management can be seen in the case of Starbucks, the leading brand in the specialty coffee industry (Pearlson &amp. Saunders, 2008, pp. 56-60). The company has implemented the web 2.0 technology which has enhanced cooperation between employees throughout the organization. Web 2.0 facilitates knowledge management by enabling employees to collaborate online through information sharing. As a result the employees are able to participate in the decision-making process. This increases job satisfaction and decreases turnover intention. The company maintains a continuous process of innovation which is guided by knowledge management. For this reason HR managers have to formulate strategies aimed at motivating knowledge workers who can make the innovation process effective. The managers at Starbucks can apply the findings from the present journal.

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