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Write 2 page essay on the topic Baytown.Download file to see previous pages... According to Feiser the moral challenge in multinational companies need to live up to moral expectations more intense for

Write 2 page essay on the topic Baytown.

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According to Feiser the moral challenge in multinational companies need to live up to moral expectations more intense for multinational companies who need to live up to moral expectations both in the US and in host foreign countries. In developed countries, the moral expectations of the host country are as stringent as our own. With third world host countries, though, the moral expectations often more lax and multinationals are tempted to lower their standards when situations permit.

Morality in business plays an important role. Business would not success if employees have problems with their colleagues because something has done something wrong with someone. Business will not able to reach its goal if the staffs are having problems. It is important to understand which actions violate morality. There are actions and decisions that are mistakenly understood as violation of morality which is in fact not. To be able to avoid such problems proper definition of the term morality should be clearly defined. Maltreatment of employees is one violation of morality. The company should have a clear list of moral issues that is important for the company's success. Business ethics are the one that examines the moral problems that can arise in business environment.

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