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Write 2 page essay on the topic Courage at work.Though the task was monumental for me at that early age, I gained courage and effectively rose to the big task that awaited me. I perfectly run the hosp

Write 2 page essay on the topic Courage at work.

Though the task was monumental for me at that early age, I gained courage and effectively rose to the big task that awaited me. I perfectly run the hospital well for two consecutive years. After completion of my first two years, an extremely critical decision that I have never faced in my entire career faced me.

Overreact senior member in the ministry of health came knocking at my door with a hefty offer. The gentleman wanted me to append my signature as a sign of acceptance for the ministry to import Anti-revival drugs from United State. The deal showed that the government was importing first class drugs from United State. So the gentleman wanted to collude with me as a senior doctor so that he could import counterfeit drugs from China.

There stood a conflicting situation on whether to agree to deal or to follow my conscious and act on the welfare of the patients. Luckily the urge inside me to protect the patient welfare won. I gained courage and disagreed to the deal. Luckily I tricked the officer, and I managed to record the conversation on my computer. After reputing the deal, I got demoted. I was transferred, to an exceedingly local dispensary in extremely remote area.

However I did not regret my courageous action to protect the innocent patients who in the beginning of my professional I swore to. They successfully managed to forge their way though and luckily succeeded in importing the counterfeit drugs. Before they got distributed to relevant hospitals, the quality department issued an order to stop the distribution of drugs. A thorough research followed, and drugs were found to be counterfeit. I was asked to testify. I used the recorded conversation with the senior guy who had made me got demoted.

The senior gentleman and his puppet who was appointed after my demotion lost their job. They were held by police for further investigation and prosecution.

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