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Write 2 page essay on the topic Cultural issues facing Starbucks.Download file to see previous pages... The socio religious paradigms are important factors that compel the businesses to adapt to new v

Write 2 page essay on the topic Cultural issues facing Starbucks.

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The socio religious paradigms are important factors that compel the businesses to adapt to new value system of the country of operation. Cyprus is emerging economy and UK is a developed economy that is significant in its increasing changing pattern of multicultural societies with gender equality as major facilitator. The Starbucks outlets in these countries cater to the public in similar manner irrespective of gender, religion, culture or nationality. But in Saudi Arabia, the company’s outlets are divided into separate segment that are designed to cater separately to single males and family units. This is primarily because Saudi Arabia is prominent country of the South East Asia with Islamic culture where single males are not allowed to mix with single women. Thus, separate family unit section in Starbucks allows women to come alone or with friends and family to enjoy coffee. Indeed gender inequality is major difference for changes in format for Starbucks outlet in Saudi Arabia and other non Islamic countries. Another very important aspect that one experiences is that there are no natives working in Starbucks outlet in Saudi Arabia. In Cyprus and UK, the Starbucks is conscious about diversity and ensures that it employs people from across race, gender, culture and nations.

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