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Write 2 page essay on the topic Everybody Wins: The Case for Legalized Gambling.Download file to see previous pages... When anyone gambles, they always want to win. Of course, that's not realistic and

Write 2 page essay on the topic Everybody Wins: The Case for Legalized Gambling.

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When anyone gambles, they always want to win. Of course, that's not realistic and that's why it's called gambling. However, casino gambling can make everyone a winner. The amount of tax revenue that they can generate is phenomenal. Deadwood South Dakota built its first casino in 1989 when its city budget was $1.5 million. Just six years later the local budget had swelled to $11 million thanks to casino revenue (Ackerman 1999). That additional $9.5 million could be for needed improvements or local tax relief. Either way when Deadwood played everybody won.

Critics of legalized gambling will contend that the crime rate increases when a city builds a casino (Kearney n.d.). This belief does not prove to be true. In fact, the increased revenue and law enforcement visibility makes crime more difficult to commit. The inside of a casino is some of the safest places in the world. The area has constant surveillance and monitoring. Outside the casino, the increase in scrutiny has actually resulted in a lower crime rate in many areas with legalized gambling. According to the American Gaming Association, "Statements by law enforcement agents in gaming jurisdictions across the country also refute critics' claims that gaming causes crime" (Does the introduction).

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