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Write 2 page essay on the topic Management plan.Download file to see previous pages... Quitting is never a good decision pertaining to this case. rather she can opt for a better opportunity. A winner

Write 2 page essay on the topic Management plan.

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Quitting is never a good decision pertaining to this case. rather she can opt for a better opportunity. A winner never quits and he or she has to march towards their goal facing all the hurdles in life. Not all the organizations will have the same problem. But at this time she should develop an attitude to manage with the difficulties in the institution created by the higher officials.

Since her educational status is primary requirement, she should enquire about different schools which can provide distance learning programs or evening colleges which will offer her the required degree. So that she does not loose the experience in the work and also completes her course in the ordained time.

In this present case she has to learn to cope up with the present situation of the organization. Parallel to this she should make every effort to look for an alternate. she should be prepared in mind not to look for rewards or recognition since she cannot get what she expects in this organization. The time taken for accomplishing things for the decision she made will includes time taken to shift to a new job (Full time or part-time) and as well as to complete her degree.

a. The decision made will be evaluated on the outcomes of the decision. With reference to her situation it is obvious that she should make a decision with minimal risk or no risk.

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