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Write 2 page essay on the topic Old Fashioned girl, Louisa May Alcott.Download file to see previous pages... The paper "Old Fashioned girl, Louisa May Alcott" gives a detailed information about the st

Write 2 page essay on the topic Old Fashioned girl, Louisa May Alcott.

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The paper "Old Fashioned girl, Louisa May Alcott" gives a detailed information about the story of the famous Louisa May Alcott. An old fashioned girl is turned off of the city. She finds it over-the-top and difficult to take in or accept. She believes it is not for her and that it treats country people poorly. She finds the people in it to be false and unreal. Several years later, Polly returns to the city more comfortable in her own skin. She finds the Shaws on the edge of bankruptcy and slowly shows them the wisdom of her own country ways. Eventually she falls for Tom, a charming roughneck. The main point of the story is that people may misjudge country people and think they are bumpkins, but their way of living may well be best because it is tried, tested, and true. Polly's character exemplifies this. Polly is a plain and uninteresting person. Her character is tedious and unfunny. She is not the kind of person you would enjoy sharing a beer with. She is insecure and also somewhat smug.Overall, this is a fine story for children as it is very simplistic. The conflict is not interesting. There is nothing challenging or subtle about the plot or the writing that Alcott employs to communicate her ideas to the reader. The story and characters are basic and the narrative largely pre-arranged. There are no surprises and nothing is out of the ordinary. It is a very conservative story about very conservative people. Alcott lived in a different time, a time when women had many fewer opportunities than they do today.

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