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Write 2 page essay on the topic Seeing the Forests for the Trees.The Jocassee gorge location is on high elevation. The location significantly affects the rainfall due to the Orographic lift. These hap

Write 2 page essay on the topic Seeing the Forests for the Trees.

The Jocassee gorge location is on high elevation. The location significantly affects the rainfall due to the Orographic lift. These happen when an air mass is forced from a low to higher elevation as it moves over rising terrain, this accounts for 2,000 feet (609m).As the air gain altitude, it expands and cools raising the relative humidity to 100% hence creating clouds and frequent precipitation.

The forest has more than 60 species of rare and endemic plants good for botanist. The forest also has five streams flowing through gorges state park. these streams supply water to the forest over the ridge escarpment. Jocassee Gorges has 125 plants and animal species and its 12 endangered plant and animal species. This plants includes, Pringles aquatic moss and Carolina star moss, other species includes mountain laurel, rhododendron, white pine, red oak, and hickories. Animal species includes fox, wild boar, wild turkey, black bear, and white-tailed deer, and with the highest population of green salamanders.

Forest diseases and pest have been a big problem in different countries globally. threatening the lifespan trees in the forest. There are a number of diseases and pest that affect the development of the healthy plants in the forest. Include threats such as those posed by fungal pathogen, Phytophora Rumorum, as noted by (Evans & Webber, 2002)

Forest have major threats of diseases such beech bark disease, Dutch elm disease, dogwood anthracnose, larch canker, butternut canker and others such as chestnut bright. In most cases, different diseases and pest attack on forest may vary between certain weather conditions.

A forest act as a habitat to many living organisms, some may be destructive to the forest while others are harmful. The forests provide food to different living organism, but if not controlled, the harmful organism can be dangerous to the forest. Diseases constantly must be controlled, and regularly checked in

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