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Write 2 pages with APA style on Week 5. Running head: The Bad News The Bad News Natalia Duhau ENC12100000OL-2_12-3SUF Effective Writing in the Workplace Lori Fisher July 29, Assignment 7.8 American So

Write 2 pages with APA style on Week 5. Running head: The Bad News The Bad News Natalia Duhau ENC12100000OL-2_12-3SUF Effective Writing in the Workplace Lori Fisher July 29,

Assignment 7.8

American Southern Airlines110 North Avendale Drive Atlanta, GA 30087 Phone: 770 456-2215 Fax: 770 456-1100 Web: www.americansoutherairlines.com

July 25, 2012

Ms. Leticia Tomlinson

1952 Kanoke Lane

Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Dear Ms Tomlinson,

Let me begin by extending an apology to you on behalf of American Southern Airlines for the loss of your prescription eyeglasses that you referenced in your letter to us dated December 2nd. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us and discuss this matter as well as your decision to fly American Southern Airlines. Unfortunately, American Southern Airlines does not hold itself responsible for passenger’s personal effects within the aircraft cabin.

However, due to the nature of your loss, we would like to take this opportunity to offer you a travel voucher for American Southern Airlines equivalent to the price of your prescription eyeglasses. Our company policy does not allow us to reimburse you for new glasses. however, it is our sincere hope that this travel voucher will be sufficient compensation for your loss.

Again, thank you for choosing to fly American Southern Airlines, and we hope you will continue to consider us for all of your future air travel needs.

Best regards,

Natalia Duhau

Customer Relations SpecialistAssignment 7.5

New Horizon Software Development

141 East Bromley Ct. Charlotte NC P: 704 238 1996 F: 704 238 1888 Web: www.newhorizansoftwaredevelopment.com

July 25, 2012

Mr. Joe Wong

Vice President – Product Development

Jamba Incorporated

450 Golden Gate Avenue

San Francisco, CA 91402

Dear Mr. Wong,

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for the business Jamba Juice has brought to our firm as well as the healthful and tasty smoothies our employees have enjoyed for quite some time now. Our firms experience a symbiotic relationship, and I am honored at your proposal of using our office group as the test subjects for a new line of offerings. However, logistically our break room and cafeteria area is unusually small and does not offer the capacity that you would require in order to do an efficient taste testing offering among our employees.

Furthermore, due to the fact that our employees will be busy getting a bite to eat during the lunch hour, may I suggest that we work to find an alternative place and time to host the taste-testing? Perhaps a conference room can be set aside for this after hours or even a meet-and-greet where our employees together with yours can not only perform the taste-testing but spend some time getting to know each other during the process.

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