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Write 4 page essay on the topic Analysis modeling, Design Concepts and Architectural Design.ER diagrams reflect the relationship between entities and associated attributes in the data model, whereas c

Write 4 page essay on the topic Analysis modeling, Design Concepts and Architectural Design.

ER diagrams reflect the relationship between entities and associated attributes in the data model, whereas class diagram reflects the relationship between classes and their associated attributes of the proposed system handling real-life business scenario. ER diagram defines underlying business logic in tables of database and their relation, whereas class diagram business process of objects into the real-world (Pressman, 2005). ER diagram provides logical representation of tables in the data model and their relationship. Class diagram defines the structural element of the system and their process to create software.

Software design is not a program, but it defines high level abstraction or pieces of logic for satisfying business requirement from a client into creation and delivery of software before even coding starts (Pressman, 2005). Software design creates a plan from inception phase of software till final piece of software in alignment with desired outcomes expected from client. Software design needs to utilize all information available regarding business objective and technological requirement to make successful creation of software. Programming is an important aspect of software that requires data synchronization through communication between technical and business players to make information system successful.

Different modules defining different functions of the program is a preferable option in comparison to putting whole logic into one large module because of maintenance, readability, debugging, and the ease of writing. Modular programming provides independence of developing and testing irrespective of what other different pieces of logic are doing. It also makes the main part of code easier to understand and maintain as only simple function and procedure is called instead of a large program written in the main section of

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