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Write 4 page essay on the topic Analytical /computers.I think this should take care of your introduction.Now, you must get onto developing your main idea which you have done well, I am talking about y

Write 4 page essay on the topic Analytical /computers.

I think this should take care of your introduction.

Now, you must get onto developing your main idea which you have done well, I am talking about your opening paragraph. In fact your opening line is very effective. You could add a little more descriptive over here. Probably you could put in a little background of the story in this paragraph because you are presuming the reader knows everything about the text but actually you must think the reader needs to be told about it. This will help build up your thesis well and you will be able to expand your writing as well. When you talk about women disrupting men’s lives due to their scheming nature you may write about a few instances from other works, which your teacher must have referred to in class while teaching. References to instances from other simila works adds to your paper.

You seem to have sound knowledge about your text because the way you put your points forth is great, you just need to talk about each idea a little more in detail. For example in your second paragraph you have mentioned just one particular incident and how Candide’s hardships begin. Here you may write in a little detailed manner about the relationship shared between Candide and Miss Cunegonde and the situation which led to the kiss

Your paragraph three is mainly a quote, here you may add a little bit of your reflection, what you think about the whole episode, you may even take a side and develop your points on the basis of the stand you have taken.

Paragraphs could be made a little more cohesive and interwoven, at times your paragraph comprises of just a quote that can be avoided. Do try to add your own reflection/judgment on the quotes, which are great if aptly used. Your paragraph transitions are pretty ok but you need to put in your judgment for every episode so that your thesis will appear cohesive and well stretched out rather than expanded just for the heck of it. Probably you must

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