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Write 4 page essay on the topic Ethnic sociological issue of Advantages and Disadvantages in the educational system.Ironically, instead of reducing racism, this idea has only aggravated equality in al

Write 4 page essay on the topic Ethnic sociological issue of Advantages and Disadvantages in the educational system.

Ironically, instead of reducing racism, this idea has only aggravated equality in all spheres of life.

Colorblindness in schools is even worse considering the fact that these are the perfect places to instill morals and values in young people. While the education teaches students to be racially blind, it neglects the more important issue of equality. For instance, major cultures like the Romans, Greeks and the Incas have been incorporated into the school curricular while cultures of minority groups have been totally neglected. The American education does not recognize African, Latin, Asian or Native American cultures. Though this may be overlooked as menial issue, the message passed to the students is that minority cultures are backward and inferior and not worthy of being studied. This is racial prejudice disguised as colorblindness that is still propagating white superiority.

Conditioning people to be blind has the dire consequence of making those who enjoy racial privileges to overlook the experiences of others. Whites have been made to believe that they are equal to other races and when they get better and more opportunities than their peers. they believe that it is through their hard work. They therefore become less sympathetic to their peers who are busy grappling with the hidden realities of racism and assume that these minor races are not as hard working as they are, which is not the case. Moreover, white privileges are further enhanced by the number of white teachers in American schools. Approximately 80% of teachers are white and roughly 40% of the student population comprises of colored students. (Teaching Tolerance, 2009)

The likelihood of these teachers to meet the attention of colored students is almost zero. This is because, teachers who are also products of this culturally flawed education system may not understand the cultures and backgrounds of the minority groups and are more likely to bond with white students as they easily

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