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Write 4 page essay on the topic Positive Psychology.Download file to see previous pages... More significantly, positive psychology is important in the development of athletes while making them physica

Write 4 page essay on the topic Positive Psychology.

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More significantly, positive psychology is important in the development of athletes while making them physically and mentally strong in activities they undertake during training and competition. More so, coaches should focus on imparting the use of positive psychology skills in the development of the athletes’ confidence and mental stability as they interact in both training and competition. As a result, sports psychologists should use positive psychology as a motivational influence of creating an easier understanding and effective communication between the athletes and their coaches. This is because, athletes should posses the qualities of confidence, optimism, hope and resilience as a way of achieving goals set successfully in training and competition (Gable et al., 2004). Even though, positive psychology does not interfere with the physical and technical training of the athletes it aims at improving their ability to endure pressure and be consistent in their sporting profession. More considerably, use of positive psychology is relevant as most coaches mainly deal with the physical well-being of the athletes while they do not focus on the mental conditions that influence their outcome in competitions. This is because, it remains difficult for athletes to succeed, especially if coaches focus more on their good physical fitness rather than mental fitness during training and competition. As a result, the use of positive psychology should be emphasized as it uses ritualistic behavior in improving athletes’ performance at both the amateur level and elite stage. Considerably, sport psychology use of positive psychology is recommended as it mainly deals with stress management, self-regulation, setting goals, mental strength and level of concentration (Snyder &amp. Lopez, 2002). More than often, positive psychology aims at reducing the arousal and anxiety levels of athletes in training and competition. More so, as a way of motivating athletes’ perception when it is low, coaches use positive psychology to reduce the level of physical and psychological discomfort endured by athletes during training and competition. Especially when they lack stable mental state, athletes fail to coordinate well when they are put in teams as they make irrational decisions due to lack of mental stability (Bandura, 1990). Therefore, coaches should use positive psychology to change the athletes’ perception on things they feel are more threatening as a way of making them composed and confident in training and competition. As a result, positive psychology use influence right decision making as it gives both mental stability and confidence acquired in training and competition. In most cases, positive psychology provides the athletes with mental visualization as it establishes strong mental and emotional state. This mainly involves the coaches training athletes on visualization of the game plan before undertaking competitions.

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