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Write 4 page essay on the topic Serving In Florida.Download file to see previous pages... The story “serving in Florida” is a story about a woman, Barbara Enrenreich, who started her life on a “

Write 4 page essay on the topic Serving In Florida.

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The story “serving in Florida” is a story about a woman, Barbara Enrenreich, who started her life on a “low-wage life” in the Key West of Florida.&nbsp.Among her&nbsp.main&nbsp.fears is that some locals may&nbsp.possibly&nbsp.recognize&nbsp.her.&nbsp.This recognition from locals interferes with her&nbsp.main&nbsp.task of investigating lives of the working poor. Barbara starts her life in Florida with an allotment of about $1,300 (Ehrenreich 16). The&nbsp.amount&nbsp.seemed too convenient to&nbsp.enable&nbsp.her pay two months’ rent on the apartment she rented. Afterwards, she embarks on hunting for a job. As her search for&nbsp.job&nbsp.continues, she realizes that there is no correlation between the number of vacancies or jobs available with the amount number of the available adverts. Moreover, it became apparent to her that the low wage jobs had high turnover. The high turnover&nbsp.job&nbsp.markets&nbsp.facilitate&nbsp.the main restaurants and hotels to keep the ads running. Regardless of the tussle in the job search, the author proceeded with job search, and&nbsp.eventually&nbsp.managed to be hired. Her first job experience in Florida was the&nbsp.application&nbsp.of the job to the Winn-Dixie that had a computerized interview. The question asked wanted her to&nbsp.determine&nbsp.the&nbsp.amount&nbsp.of dollar&nbsp.worth&nbsp.the stolen goods the&nbsp.prospective&nbsp.employee had purchased in the previous year, or would he or she have turned in one of the employee to&nbsp.steal. The&nbsp.final&nbsp.computer interview question was, “are you an honest person?”...

Barbara engages herself into&nbsp.several&nbsp.job searches. however, she declines to&nbsp.accept&nbsp.the job offer at the Hearthside restaurant. The rejection might be because Barbara contemplates on spending&nbsp.additional&nbsp.$2.15 per hour on the trips that are associated with that job. Nonetheless, she settles in being a&nbsp.waiter, and a&nbsp.waiter&nbsp.named Gail takes the&nbsp.task&nbsp.of training Barbara. Gail is a&nbsp.woman&nbsp.in her forties, has ever been homeless, and has for most her life&nbsp.spend&nbsp.her nights in her truck. Just recently, her boyfriend is murdered in prison. Another waiter by the name Joan also starts liking Barbara. Joan has three kids to whom she raises in a mobile home all by herself. There seems to be a&nbsp.tremendous&nbsp.generosity within these women that have never been noticed. Some of these traits are witnessed in their extra croutons in serving salad whenever the&nbsp.management&nbsp.allow&nbsp.them to only&nbsp.extra&nbsp.six, or an&nbsp.extra&nbsp.rolls whenever the&nbsp.management&nbsp.allow&nbsp.them only one. Barbara after a while begins to develop these traits of&nbsp.generosity&nbsp.and caring, particularly towards customers and her coworkers. These ideals are clearly demonstrated, when Barbara clienteles and serves customers and her fellow workers with the&nbsp.best&nbsp.of&nbsp.dinner&nbsp.experiences she&nbsp.acquired&nbsp.before she became a narcotic (Ehrenreich 293). It is&nbsp.apparent&nbsp.that as Barbara is carrying out her duties as a waiter, she&nbsp.truly&nbsp.accomplishes her&nbsp.mission&nbsp.of investigating the lives of the poor employees. One day while wrapping some silverware, Gail told Barbara that she (Gail) was contemplating of hiring a&nbsp.room&nbsp.that would cost her between $40 and $60 per day (Ehrenreich 48). Barbara then asks her why she could&nbsp.go&nbsp.

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