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Write 4 page essay on the topic Since Susan and David have separated, Susan claims that Georgia no longer wishes to see her father. He claims that every time he has turned up at the former matrimonial

Write 4 page essay on the topic Since Susan and David have separated, Susan claims that Georgia no longer wishes to see her father. He claims that every time he has turned up at the former matrimonial home to see her Susan claims that Georgia is unwell, or that she has arranged for h.

Accordingly, the issue before the court is to consider the facts in this relation in order to determine why David is demanding only a contact order instead of any other order3.

The Children Act outlines a number of principles that a court must observe before issuing a court contact order. These principles include, the fact that a childs welfare is paramount and that it comes first. Accordingly, a child is entitled to the right to access facts and information4. Moreover, the Act provides that, the child must have a relationship with both parents as well as his or her extended family whenever possible. Further, the childs demands and feelings should be taken into consideration.

Indeed, families are important, hence, it is in the best interest of the child, that they should not be separated from their family. Particularly, they should in case of separation, remain in the custody of their family. Consequently, where there are conflicting rights and interests, the court shall balance those interests and prioritising the childs rights and interests. As such, no court contact orders should be issued unless it is necessary5.

According to the facts in this case, it is clear that the child (Georgia) had not stated her demands or needs, which makes the claims made by Susan (her mother) unilateral. On the other hand, Georgia was seen looking through the window on David’s last visit casts doubts on Susan’s claims. Secondly, the principle, no court orders should be made unless it is necessary demonstrates that the court will consider any applicant to this order as being important and urgent. Notably, David demonstrated aggression in his last visit which defines the need for a contact order, hence, the urgency inn this application.

Moreover, the parent also has the provision under this Act. these responsibilities are referred to as Parental

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