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Write 5 page essay on the topic World History since 1945.The doctrine also promised to help Turkey and Greece economically and through military actions against the communists this after Britain announ

Write 5 page essay on the topic World History since 1945.

The doctrine also promised to help Turkey and Greece economically and through military actions against the communists this after Britain announced that they would be withdrawing their support. These countries were to receive $400,000,000 aid. The doctrine contents were justified by the need to help free people in their fight against totalitarian rule which would undermine international peace, and as a result affect the state of security in the United States (Jones 36).

The National Security Council Paper NSC-68 was a top secret report meant to confront the treat the hostile design of the Soviet Union had on the USA. The report banned the regeneration of US isolationism arguing that it will result in Soviet Union supremacy of Eurasia, and leave the USA stranded on the western hemisphere, away from its allies and assets need to push away Soviet infringement. Additionally, the report ruled out a deterrent strike against the Soviet Union since it will result in tit-for-tat action that would be devastating to Western Europe. The report also paved way for possible future negotiations with the Soviet Union. In its conclusion, the paper called for massive development of both conventional and nuclear arm in order to prevent the Soviet Union. However, this could only be achieved through increased taxes as well as the reduction of expenditure. The report was widely criticized with the critics arguing that USA already had a significant military edge over the Soviet Union. However, in June 1950 the recommendations were adopted as policy (Jones 72).

When Mao took over the leadership of China in 1949, the country was witnessing a lot of problems. For instance, the country had fewer industries, unemployment levels were high, food shortages coupled with increased population. In 1949, 85 percent of chinas population were peasants. Mao

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