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Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the importance of focus group in investigating opinions.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the importance of focus group in investigating opinions. A focus group is a research tool used to reach potential users for feedback or comments.&nbsp. An organization is usually used in planning, marketing, or evaluation to improve some specific product or service or during the development of strategic plans or statements (Blank, G. n.d.).&nbsp.

Accordingly, Focus group research aims to

gather opinions, beliefs, and attitudes about issues of interest to your organizationTest assumptionsEncourage discussions on a particular topicBuild excitements from the spontaneous combination of participants commentsProvide an opportunity to learn more about the issue.

The Guide of Focus Group

Activities of a focus group are divided into three phases: Before the Focus Group, Conduct of the Focus Group, and after the Focus Group.

Before the Focus Group is the time for identifying the purpose of the study, establishing a timeline, identifying participants generating the questions, developing a script, selecting a facilitator, and choosing a location. (Blank G. (n.d.)

&nbsp.Along with this guide, we establish the objective of this report that is:

Purpose of the study: The issue that is of utmost importance is identifying people's perception of the health benefits of drinking Green Tea. Green Tea is one of the fast-moving drinks today and knowing its real health benefits would benefit consumers.Establishing a timeline. Between six to 8 weeks is an ideal period. This is the time to identify participants, develop and test the questions, locate a site, invite the participants, and gather the needed materials.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.We are inviting participants. &nbsp.The number of participants is an essential consideration in a focus group. Fewer participants limit discussions while a large number is unwieldy. According to Nagle and Williams, a significant focus group consists of 7-12 participants. This is an ideal size to promote discussion and would be easy for the Facilitator to handle.&nbsp. During this stage, the list of participants' critical attributes based on the purpose of the focus group should be developed.

Our proposal for the number of participants is six women and six men to have an equal representation.&nbsp. Ages would be between 21-30 years.&nbsp. It is presumed that these belong to a working group, educated, and matured enough to make decisions. &nbsp.

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