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Write 5 pages with APA style on Commercialization of Newspapers in Canada. The influence of commercialization in the Canadian Newspaper traces newspapers' change from a politically biased perspective

Write 5 pages with APA style on Commercialization of Newspapers in Canada. The influence of commercialization in the Canadian Newspaper traces newspapers' change from a politically biased perspective to a commercially based press. The media industry all over the world has seen impressive modifications in the current years. Fundamental among them is the change in media perception in the olden days as radical instruments and mighty political players. Presently, the media is seen as more of a commercial enterprise with a motto of making profits. Increased competition levels, coupled with the tendency to confine media ownership to a few leading multinational conglomerates/empires, have intensified the commercial pressure in the field. It has also attributed to media proliferation - where many rising media products get down to catering for a more divergent market.

&nbsp. &nbsp. Commoditization of news among Canadian newspapers has become a grave matter. This has been turned into a product, packaged and sold-out to the economic upper class, configured primarily to meet the advertiser's needs. then, the audience comes in second. The rising rivalry adds to this intention, which impacts the newspapers to choose strategies that are likely to disconnect between editorial content and advertising.

&nbsp. &nbsp. As newspapers become more commercial, they depend more on advertising income for survival, thereby mounting more pressure to develop media content that appeals to the advertisers. The resultant effect is that there is an increased amount of conflicts with the Newspaper's accountability towards the general public to provide information in the public interest. This means that every intent of the media's existence, which is informing the public, is surpassed by commercial interests. This flared pressure consequents into the newsprint firms demanding their audiences to suit the advertiser's taste, shifting the focus to the wealthy elite audience.

&nbsp. &nbsp. Commercialization of Canadian Daily Newspapers is the transition of the Canadian daily Newspaper from a political-party mouthpiece by the end of the nineteenth century into a contemporary profit-seeking business (Sotiron 9). Sotiris further argues that the old mission that sustained newspapers for two hundred years to act as a check against arbitrary power and serve the public in the interests of democracy is being replaced by a singular focus on the bottom line.

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