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Write 6 page essay on the topic Psychology on Perspectives.Download file to see previous pages... The principles and perspectives of John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Edward C. Tolman are some of those

Write 6 page essay on the topic Psychology on Perspectives.

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The principles and perspectives of John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Edward C. Tolman are some of those contributions that are still relevant to the field of psychology. They form the basis of the modern perspectives and theories of psychological studies. Each of the psychologist has a different perspective regarding the behaviors of individual. However it would be seen that these psychologists aimed for a specific goal of finding about the roots of animal and human behavior. These three psychologists were quite successful in achieving their aim and used experiments to confirm the effects on the behavior of an individual. This paper aims at comparing and contrasting the psychological perspectives of the mentioned psychologists. John B. Watson is a well-known name in the history of psychology. During 1913 John B. Watson proposed his personal opinions and understanding about behaviors and integrated them which is now known as ‘behaviorism’ or ‘behaviorists’. The three psychologists namely John Watson, B.F Skinner and Edward Tolman are all concerned with the functional group of psychology known as behaviorism. Watson gave different viewpoints about the basis of psychology and considered it as a science. He believed that science is a broad subject which can be based on the principles of experiments and observations. In other words he believed that the observations can lead to a conclusion in psychology. Watson issued a paper which revolved around the subject of consciousness and he believed that this phenomena is such that it cannot be observed. He believed that conscious is an entity that individuals cannot express or show to the outer world. In other words consciousness does not relate to the scientific methods of observation but rather can be analyzed through the process of introspection (a non scientific process). Watson believed that the study of psychology should not integrate consciousness in its basis as it does not relate to the scientific methods. He rather concluded that psychology should be adopted as a study of behaviors as these behaviors can be observed publicly through scientific methods. Moreover Watson proposed that different methods should be adopted to study behaviors and consciousness should not be a part of these behaviors when analyzing it (Harzem 2004).Watson is known for his work in modern psychology and it was him who defined the terms stimulus and response. These terms have been used by many other psychologists after him. Watson emphasized on observations to complete the study of psychology and carried out several experiments to find out about different behaviors. He carried out a famous experiment known as Little Albert. In the experiment a little boy was made to play with rats every day. Several sessions of play took place for Albert when finally Watson introduced a loud sound of a hammer along with the rats which scared Albert. Around seven sessions took place with this kind of a stimulus and finally it was found that Albert developed a fear for the rats. Every time Albert was introduced to a rat he would cry and thus the fear response was confirmed by Watson (McIntyre 2003). He was the first one to introduce classical conditioning in the field of psychology. B.F Skinner was a psychology student who carried out several experiments to find out different effects on the human beings.

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