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Write 6 pages thesis on the topic cancer and effectiveness of drugs in its treatment.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic cancer and effectiveness of drugs in its treatment. If an association has been drawn between tumour and cancer. then a benign tumour has no relation with cancer but a malignant tumour sooner or later leads to cancer. Scientific research has revealed that genetic predisposition, oestrogen exposure for women, ionising and ultraviolet radiation, exposure to carcinogenic chemicals and foods, smoking tobacco, taking alcohol, unhealthy diet and presence of free radicals are some of the causes that are believed to be spreading this deadly disease among us. Since prevention is always considered as a better option to cure, hence a series of events that might result in a lower risk of getting exposed to cancer should also be taken account of. Taking notice of previous cases of cancer in a family does not directly translate into the same for the successors, but they can resort to regular check-up to avoid any late detection of cancer. It has been found that the probability of cancer among a woman having a baby before 35 is less. Reduction of exposure to sun or other rays such as X – rays and using protective cloths while facing them is a helpful mean to reduce the chances of this disease. Absolute no to tobacco and alcohol will certainly result in less number of cancer cases. Taking vitamin C and green vegetables also help to reduce the risk of cancer. Among the different types of cancer treatments, six of them have gained popularity and success over the years. The following paragraph provides a brief discussion of these alternatives before moving into a detailed analysis of drug use in combating cancer.

Since chemotherapy also uses drugs to combat cancer, hence for this part it is left beyond the realm of the discussion. Radiation is used vividly against cancer. Ionised radiation destroys cancer cells and prevents them from further growing. When surgery is adopted s a possible cure to cancer, the cancerous cells or parts are surgically removed from the body. In recent times laser is often used to perform these surgeries replacing the conventional method that had been followed before.&nbsp.

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