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Write 6 pages thesis on the topic crime in dallas. Executives, politicians, soldiers, gamblers, and laborers come to the cribs to get satisfaction from them (Keating, 2002).Prostitution has gained mom
Write 6 pages thesis on the topic crime in dallas. Executives, politicians, soldiers, gamblers, and laborers come to the cribs to get satisfaction from them (Keating, 2002).
Prostitution has gained momentum in Dallas because of the color of the people, and their mode of living. Prostitution has become common in Dallas. thereby compelling students to drop out of school and join the prostitution grounds. Prostitution is mainly practiced across rails and places where people gather.
The life of a prostitute is very contradicting because they get involved with a lot of people and changing their behaviors. Although prostitution has more money than other jobs, few prostitutes depend on it. It is understood that most prostitutes tend to consume many drugs, such as cocaine, heroin that they end up committing suicide. The police at times harass the prostitutes due to the pressure they get from their superiors, for example, the government. Prostitution has spread wide in all Dallas towns, due to lack of enough police officers to enforce the law (Keating, 2002).
Prostitution on the street is very harsh because those involved encounter many problems when they are out there. Therefore, eradicating prostitution can be done by making them go under mental asylum where they can undergo therapy. They should be enlightened on how the community morals and the beliefs on how law be regulated morally. The prostitute should minimize their rate of going out. It is also significant to implement new rules and regulation on how they should carry out themselves on a daily basis. For example, attending gatherings where they offer the improvement on how to stop prostitution, and doing something to keep off one mind from thinking about the prostitution issue, reading of novels and going to the gym (Keating, 2002). .