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Write 6 pages with APA style on A History and Background of Jazz Music. As a direct result of the change that has been presented with respect to jazz music, it has continued to evolve and currently re

Write 6 pages with APA style on A History and Background of Jazz Music. As a direct result of the change that has been presented with respect to jazz music, it has continued to evolve and currently represents one of the most dynamic musical genres. As a function of the continual shift and change that jazz music has experienced over the years, one might infer that it has not held true to its original colour. yet, this is not the case.1 As a function of seeking to understand this musical genre to a fuller and more complete degree, the following discussion will be concentric upon the historical, social, political, and cultural factors that have contributed to jazz music developing in the way that it has.

The transatlantic slave trade can at least be partially understood to have contributed heavily to the influx of jazz instrumentation, style and culture from parts of West Africa. During this time, roughly half a million sub-Saharan Africans were taken to the Americas. These slaves were mainly from West Africa and the majority of them originated from the Congo River basin. With them, they brought strong musical traditions. As such, these rhythms had a counter metric structure. a unique aspect that reflected African speech patterns. In this way, Africans used a single-line melody with a call and response pattern within their music. this would later become evident with respect to the songs that developed on the plantations. According to music historians, slaves oftentimes celebrated and participated in their annual festivals such as harvest time by constructing musical instruments by utilizing available material to craft drums and various other percussion instruments. These were in turn utilised as a means of helping the performers to keep tempo with the music that was performed.2

Yet, traditional African music alone cannot be understood to have been the sole determinant of jazz music.&nbsp.

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