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Write 6 pages with APA style on The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East by Kishore Mahbabani.

Write 6 pages with APA style on The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East by Kishore Mahbabani. From a different angle of view, the initiative undertaken by the East Asian nations to absorb the Western learning, wisdom, and philosophy can inculcate modernity into the East Asian context. At the same time, the absorption of modernity by the Asian nations can lead the whole world to a new world order. Dice made clear that “Proponents of what is called the New World Order believe that a global government is the next evolutionary step in civilization” (2). So, the world order in a globalized world will not be based on a specific nation. Instead, the responsibility to sustain peace, mutual understanding, and co-operation among the world nations will be shared. The responsibility to maintain global peace will not be vested upon the US and the EU. Instead, the responsibility will be shared among the US, the EU, China, and India. Mahbubani stated that “Instead of perceiving itself as a lonely group of responsible stakeholders, the West will be joined by billions of new responsible stakeholders” (50). In short, the global institutions and organizations like the UN and its branches should be restructured to face the change in the global context. The Western nations were able to develop Western values and philosophy. According to the author, the amalgamation of certain values and philosophy helped the West to be progressive and to determine the course of the world. On the other side, most of the East Asian nations failed to adopt the Western philosophy, which is deeply rooted in equality, human rights and development in the field of science and technology. To be specific, the failure of East Asian nations to understand the essence of Western philosophy determined the nature of the interaction between East Asia and the West.

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