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Write 7 page essay on the topic Management and organizational behavior.characters, Billy McMahon (played by Vince Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (played by Owen Wilson), found it difficult to keep up with

Write 7 page essay on the topic Management and organizational behavior.

characters, Billy McMahon (played by Vince Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (played by Owen Wilson), found it difficult to keep up with their co-interns’ modern knowledge on the latest technology. It is their unorthodox views and out-of-the box ideas, most likely the outcome of their wisdom gained from their sales experiences that helped them survive the competition. Two prevalent themes related to management and organizational behaviour were observed from this film. One is employability and the other is teamwork.

The two main characters struggled prove their employability. Both of them were obviously not qualified for the internship if it was based solely on its academic and skill requirements. Their mature age is actually a salient factor which may automatically disqualify them because the company is run by people much younger than they are. However, the cliché belief that with age come wisdom and experience, seemed to work in their favour. McShane and Von Glinow (2008) discussed that age belongs to the primary category of workforce characteristics and recently, trends in the changing workforce have included a wider age range of workers in various fields. Older people are still capable of learning new concepts and skills if they try hard enough. This was evident in the film as Billy and Nick strived to study a totally different field from what they have known all their lives. They had to learn a new set of vocabulary and how various technological gadgets, applications and social networking sites work, all in the span of one summer while they were working as interns. Since they were both willing to learn, it made it easier for them to embrace newer strategies of working. Brown & Hunning (2010) claim that if an employee adopts a learning goal orientation, he focuses on improving his abilities, he is likely to have job satisfaction even if he is not intrinsically motivated. This is because of his intrinsic desire for the job due to the learning it brings him.

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