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Write 7 pages thesis on the topic how your life experience influences who you are.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic how your life experience influences who you are. Along with this job, I have to do an internship at an agency where I work as a personal shopper and my job is to assist other people in shopping for clothes, shoes, and other required accessories. I enjoy my job mostly, but sometimes, it becomes a burden because, by nature, I am a lonely person who likes to remain separated and speak very less. So, as I am not talkative, therefore, I, sometimes, do not like to listen to people when they are really mad and continue to speak uselessly.

I live in a nuclear family having my mom and me only. Previously, when I was very young, I used to live in an extended family in which, I had my grandparents, my uncle, aunt, and my father. At that time, I considered myself very happy and satisfied with my life. I was really confident. However, with the passage of time, my confidence shattered and I suffered through the loss of relatives. When I was five years old, my grandparents moved to the USA leaving my father, mother, and me to live in a nuclear family. At the age of twelve, I saw my parents getting separated after divorce due to which, I was left with my mother only. Before three years, I moved to the USA with my mother. The person who has affected my personality the most is my mother who has been with me since my birth. Her love for me cannot be ignored, as she has never left me on myself until now. She has accompanied me when no one was there for accompanying me.

When we moved back to the USA and I was to live with my grandparents for some time, I felt very lonely and strange among them because there was a gap of full fifteen years between my livings with my grandparents. It was a huge time and I was very uncomfortable. The USA, in itself, was a new place for me to exist as it is enough withdrawn from my native land. I was to exist in a new land with different values, customs, traditions, and cultures. A setting in diverse lands is not as easy as it appears. People are different, languages are different, cultures are different, in totality, it appears as if everybody around one is an alien.

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