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Write 7 pages thesis on the topic the primacy of the fifth discipline. With globalization and modern technology prying the world open to all, change has happened and grown so fast that business has to

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic the primacy of the fifth discipline. With globalization and modern technology prying the world open to all, change has happened and grown so fast that business has to move faster than change to be ahead and stay in front of the competition. But moving faster would mean discarding old habits and practices because of fiercer competition and advances in technology. It is no longer practicable to be following the same old procedures. What is needed, according to Garvin (2008), is a new attitude or a new posture towards learning. What is needed, add Kouzes and Posner (1991), is a new model fit for the world. What is needed is a learning organization (Senge, 1990).

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