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Write 7 pages with APA style on Problems and Issues Arising with the Exports of Tanunda Winery.

Write 7 pages with APA style on Problems and Issues Arising with the Exports of Tanunda Winery. The Tanunda Winery started producing a range of red and white wines that were speedily gaining acceptance in the marketplace by 1985. The company had established a solid reputation in Australia as a consistent manufacturer of high-quality premium table wines. The company was known for its marketing skills. The company had been successful in generating revenues domestically but did not succeed in the international markets due to the lack of an export strategy. There existed an ample opportunity for the company to enter the international markets.

The main area of concern was to find a way into the International markets so that Tanunda Winery could sell their quality table wines and increase their volumes. It was difficult to find which markets to precisely target. In the given case, the marketing manager of Tanunda Winery had been given the assignment to evaluate the feasibility of launching a major export drive.

The Tanunda Winery was successful in Australia but did not achieve success in international markets. The reason being it is an Australian company producing quality table wines and people worldwide hardly know about Australia as a producer of wine. The senior management group decided in a strategic meeting held in early 2000 that a substantial growth opportunity existed in export markets and therefore George Steen, the marketing manager started preparing for a feasibility study for the next strategy meeting. On forecasts of a very positive environment in several export markets by the Australian wine industry report, George found it as an opportunity to enter foreign markets in a big way. The major concern of Bruce Clark, the general manager, was about the ability to enter worldwide markets and making profits because of severe competition from the old-world countries such as Italy, Spain, and France who are experts at producing well-recognized wines with huge volumes and value-pricing. Their main concern was to catch up with which markets to sell large volumes of wine.

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