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Write 7 pages with APA style on Reddit. As a bulletin system, the Reddit site is made up of entries submitted by registered community members with entries organized according to the area of interest,

Write 7 pages with APA style on Reddit. As a bulletin system, the Reddit site is made up of entries submitted by registered community members with entries organized according to the area of interest, also referred to as subreddits. For non-registered members and those browsing Reddit without an account, there are fifty categories known as default subreddits that can be viewed on Reddit's front page. Reddit is a source of what is popular and new on the web, enabling the users to check out trending, hot topics from newspapers, blogs, and other sources of information from around the world. The site has several strengths, including the fact that it is everywhere on websites and blogs and enables users to share information links with followers and friends (Turner, 2011). However, it also has weaknesses in that the user has to generate a lot of votes and traffic to appear on the screen, while there are many other platforms that offer similar functionality.

One of Reddit's strengths is that the site organizes entries into areas of interest, which they refer to as subreddits. The site has numerous default subreddits that cover diverse topics like television, books, and music. According to Kraut et al (2011), clustering or recruiting people with similar interests into homogenous groups fosters community commitment based on identity. Users who join the Reddit community, for instance, can join the subreddits that most interest them, which enhances their wider connection with the Reddit community. The Reddit community designers are able to encourage its users to identify with their community and its sub-communities by highlighting the common social characteristics shared by the users, as well as through the creation of boundaries around these sub-categories.

Most traditional online communities and their sub-groups are categorized according to political beliefs and values, leisure interests, employment and career, religion, and gender (Cannon & Thomas, 2012). The social categories on Reddit induce identification with the community by seeking to appeal to smaller sub-groups and sub-populations, rather than entire populations. Any registered user in the community can create a subreddit, although this only appears on the site after thirty days. This links to another claim by Kraut et al (2011) that forcing potential new members to wait for verification will result in only those members who value the community being more likely to join.

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