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Write 8 pages thesis on the topic information systems supporting the department of human services.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic information systems supporting the department of human services. Basically, organizations are segmented into different departments. Further, these departments are specified according to their roles and functions as well as these functions on a broader dimension are further supported by other business processes that shape the overall structure of an organization. Now, it is very important for us to understand the role of Information System as a basic component in an organization as it enhances the abilities and adds value not only to an organization but also to its customers. The use of Information System mainly depends on nature and the needs that are required to be addressed in meeting the objectives within an organization. It is worth mentioning that an organization is comprised of different systems which are inter-related with each other as well as the role of effective information and its usage among these systems is directly associated with the process of quick decision making. It is highly imperative for the organizations around the world to establish an effective and more comprehensive Information System that would help them in achieving their goals with increased work efficiency. Financial operations work on the basis of these statements as these statements show the performance and the financial needs of the organization. This also helps the organization to evaluate the potential of their operations and the financial capability that would further assist them in generating more funds and fulfilling its needs and other requirements. Financial operations estimate the potential or other possible resources through which they can generate funds. To understand the importance and functioning of an Information System, it is very important for one to understand the structure of an organization. An organization consists of different groups and departments working together for achieving an organization’s goals and objectives. Organizations can be classified on the basis of their goals and structure. However, we cannot deny the fact that a balanced synchronization within the different departments and systems leads to smoother operations which results in the overall success of the organization in the long-run. Functional Area: Basically, organizations consist of the functional areas which are inter-lined with each other as well as they are also responsible for achieving the goals of an organization (Jiang 2009, p.156). In large organizations, it is easy to differentiate between functional areas as they operate in departments and share their work accordingly. Here we are analyzing the functional area of Accounting and Finance for assessment. Accounting and finance hold a significant position in any organization because all the businesses need a regular flow of income and expenditures on the basis of which management can make decisions and plans for future projects. culture of an organization answers "how" each function operates and how they can achieve their goals. (Samuel, 2010). This helps the management to make an accurate and quick decision on the basis of the available but authentic financial information. Therefore, it becomes highly mandatory for the organizations to set up a well-organized and well-defined function for its accounts and finance department which would enable them to maximize profits and reduce their costs or other expenses.

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