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Write 9 pages thesis on the topic the film crouching tiger, hidden dragon by ang lee.

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic the film crouching tiger, hidden dragon by ang lee. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) was made for about 15 million dollars, making 60% of its revenue during its United States release. Within the U.S., the film made 61, 231,307 dollars, while making only about 40 million through international markets. The total revenue for the film by 2001 was just slightly over 100 million dollars (Burgoyne 121). The film opened a door to the genre of the heroic epic Asian film, pulling the genre into the mainstream U.S. American markets. The film was nominated for ten academy awards, its dreamlike quality appealing to critics as well as fans, capturing the attention of the market through elements of fantasy combined with a trueness of the heart.

In a conflict between seclusion and freedom, the characters of the story struggle to find honor and righteousness within the hold of strong desires and passions. Through the development of complexity of themes, Ang Lee searches for the answer to the cultural questions about the obligations of society when set against the alternative seclusion that results from wresting hold of freedom. The connectivity of tradition is set against the unfulfilled desires of Yu Shu Lien and Li Mu Bai and then contrasted against the escapism that Jen has made towards fulfilling her desires with Lo. The cinematography and the narrative tools help to create a film that questions tradition but it is clear that there are consequences for daring to ask.

According to Chin, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), “draws on Chinese legend and symbols to provide meaning for life’s journey in today’s terms”(38). Through creating a historic fantastical setting, Ang Lee was able to set up a dialogue about the repression of the female spirit.

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