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Write 9 pages thesis on the topic the similarities and/or differences between ngos and social movements.

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic the similarities and/or differences between ngos and social movements. The policy-making as well as the political arenas are further democratized creating space for non-state actors to input in the process of decision/policy making and provide alternatives to existing policy directions. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and social movements are two entrants in the policy and political arena. They are increasingly recognized as forces that strengthen democracy, peace, justice, and development among individuals and nation-states. Globalization has reduced the concentration of power in the hands of nation-states and international organizations. To borrow words from Mathews (1997) globalization has brought about “power shift”. Power is shifting to non-state actors operating locally and internationally.

But these two forms of social organizations are not entirely the same, in their structure, function, and orientations. This paper intends to identify similarities and differences between NGOs and social movements. The task will be accomplished by considering how both differentially or correspondingly shape international relations. But first, working definitions are provided as a way of illuminating the subject of inquiry.

According to the Global Policy Forum (2006:, NGO’s “are often the most effective voices for the concerns of ordinary people in the international arena”. Such organizations are outspoken and they advocate human rights, the environment, social programs, women's rights, and many more. As the name implies, NGOs are not “established by governments or agreements among governments” (Carolyn Stephenson, 2005:

Also, NGOs have a formal organizational structure with individuals and private associations as members and not states. As Koy Thomson (, December 7, 2007) observes, they “resemble the civil service in structure” the way they function. As Harold Jacobson (1) writes, NGOs “have&nbsp.regularly scheduled meetings of their members' representatives, specified decision-making procedures, and a permanent staff”.

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