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Write 9 pages with APA style on Mass Media Revolution Success in Brazil. The whole system which was previously working in these conquered territories was destroyed. There are many different examples o

Write 9 pages with APA style on Mass Media Revolution Success in Brazil. The whole system which was previously working in these conquered territories was destroyed. There are many different examples of this change. The African tribal system was uprooted and destroyed which is still resulting in civil wars in that region. The landlord concept was introduced in Zimbabwe which led to a bloody civil war and eventual removal of these landlords.

Similarly, in Brazil, the colonies were interested in the sugarcane industry of Brazil. A dispersed village population could not produce this crop on a mega scale and fulfill the needs of the colonizers. Therefore a new system was set up. A few individuals both locals and colonizers were given vast areas of land. They were to control and manage their own separate regimes to ensure there was no outbreak against the colonizers. This has a twofold advantage. The colonizers could totally control the people through their landlords and moreover, a consistent supply of sugar cane was made possible. To further spoil the already disturbed society slaves were brought in from Africa to work on these farms as labor. For centuries this system has prevailed. The reason for this discussion to establish the understanding that any movement would not be successful until it is backed by a social and economic revolution. The workers on these farms have been kept away from independence and education for centuries. Therefore in order to have a successful chance at uniting them and liberating them from this tyranny, awareness and economic opportunity are required.

The sugar trade had been replaced by the gold rush in the 18th century.&nbsp.This however as expected did not last long. Soon after independence, Brazil became the largest exporter of coffee in the world.&nbsp.

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