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Write a 1 page essay on Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity.Download file to see previous pages To avoid positioning clients on sites of skin impairment, and whenever possible, the

Write a 1 page essay on Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity.

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To avoid positioning clients on sites of skin impairment, and whenever possible, the client should be turned every two hours. They can also use the appropriate and approved positioning devices. They should avoid using blankets, sheets, and towels as paddings. They are usually ineffective in distributing pressure and can lead to friction. Instead, protective padding and films should be used. To transfer patients with care to prevent the harmful impacts of mechanical forces such as shear, friction, and pressure (Wadlund 2010)Nurses should implement a documented treatment plan for sites of skin impairment. The written plan ensures consistency in the care given. Nurses can use topical treatments that maintain moist environments for wound healing. They should asses the patients’ nutritional status and institute the necessary dietary supplements. This can be done with the help of a nutritionist.

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