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Write a 1 page essay on Electronic Business week 7.The value created by the organization is the variance between consumer’s apparent use value from the services of the company and the organization

Write a 1 page essay on Electronic Business week 7.

The value created by the organization is the variance between consumer’s apparent use value from the services of the company and the organization’s cost of offering the services. The company creates use value through quality, brand and speed. The company ensures that its services are of high quality and contain attributes such as reliability and satisfaction. On the other hand, the company ensures that it responds fast to customer calls and that waste is collected at an agreed time (Waste Management, 2014). Additionally, Waste Management creates value through creating a brand with traits that customers can relate with such as trust.

In order to capture sections of the value created, the company ensures that the value created is greater than that generated by rivals, and also ensures that it is defectively imitable and transposable. Needless to say, Waste Management captures the value it creates through its economic profits. Since profitability is the company’s primary strategic goal, the company positions itself with price and cost (Waste Management, 2014). Notably, the value captured by any organization is the variation between the incurred costs and the price charged for

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