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Write a 1 page essay on Entrepreneurship class: (Topic) Elevator Speech and Publicity.Most of the clients that I work with understand that they are business driven and are ready to learn how to go abo

Write a 1 page essay on Entrepreneurship class: (Topic) Elevator Speech and Publicity.

Most of the clients that I work with understand that they are business driven and are ready to learn how to go about it.

The ideal business clients are the youths and children who have been identified to have an entrepreneurial mind. My clients mostly are the parents who understand their children passion but find it hard to help them realize their dreams, also the youths.

I am in a good position to help my clients as I also had the same struggles having my first time business plan and implementing it. I have thus come up with a formula that can be helpful to any upcoming entrepreneur (Bryd & Moegginson, 2013). I would like to schedule some time to come and talk more on the struggles and how to overcome them as young entrepreneurs and how to help them as

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