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Write a 1 page essay on Lousis Daguerre.Daguerre used immaculately polished and silver plated sheets of cooper, which were sensitized with iodine vapors to catch photographic images (Carlisle 255). Th

Write a 1 page essay on Lousis Daguerre.

Daguerre used immaculately polished and silver plated sheets of cooper, which were sensitized with iodine vapors to catch photographic images (Carlisle 255). These sheets were exposed in big box cameras and were later developed in mercury fumes (Carlisle 255). Later on they were fixed or stabilized in sodium thiosulphate or hypo (Carlisle 255). Daguerreotype photography required little exposure time and allowed for the capturing of photographic images that were impressively detailed and vivid (Carlisle 255). Daguerre promoted the daguerreotype photography invented by him both as a medium of artistic expression and as a potent scientific tool. Most of the earlier experimental works made by Daguerre were destroyed in fire that burned his laboratory. Yet, today still survive a few of his daguerreotype portraits, urban views and still lives, which speak much for the ingenuity and aesthetic appeal of Daguerre’s

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