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Write a 1 page essay on Project Sponsorship And Decentralization Of Decision Making.Download file to see previous pages It creates a condition whereby internal support is recognized, and all the custo

Write a 1 page essay on Project Sponsorship And Decentralization Of Decision Making.

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It creates a condition whereby internal support is recognized, and all the customers have an executive way of communication. The sponsor's and project manager's names are while making project proposals and hence chances of going through are high. Sponsors are very helpful in the launch of projects since they help in making decisions on staffing and priorities in the project. Project sponsors increase the commitment of the managers to the project and hence minimizes the probability of the project failing. The project sponsors help in decision making in projects and hence the managers and the rest of the team will work towards success. Project managers are required to report to project sponsors and therefore managers will encourage communication with other team members so as to have details of all that is taking place. The pressure on the managers leads to the success of the project. Decentralization of decision making is paramount if the executives are willing to empower the project team. All the team members must be allowed to participate in decision making. The managers must be willing to help other line managers in areas that they find difficult. There must be shared accountability within the organization. Any faults should be taken as organization failures rather than personal failures. The kind of leadership in the organization should be team leadership rather than a project manager centered leadership. The organization must be willing to share authority and power among project and line managers.

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