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Write a 1 page essay on Tough enough 4 and 5.I intend to work closely with my team and help in terms of synergy when appropriate. Working together, I believe the sky will never be our limit.I am perso

Write a 1 page essay on Tough enough 4 and 5.

I intend to work closely with my team and help in terms of synergy when appropriate. Working together, I believe the sky will never be our limit.

I am personally expressing my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to organize the sales conference. I feel blessed and passionate being associated with our company. Judging from comments of those who attended, the meeting was very successful. We had time to learn and share more from other team members.

We sincerely appreciate your efficiency and careful attention to details. It is by your good will and generosity that made the conference successful. We hope to maintain the upward momentum with quality service in the sales department. From the forecasted positive impacts of the meeting, we humbly request that the conference be an annual event. Thanking you on behalf of my team,

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